Our Group Activities Include


  •  Swimming
  •  Gym
  •  Lego therapy
  •  Cooking
  •  Day and night outings
  • Table top games like D&D
  • Dancing
  • Singing 

All  aimed at developing individual skills and confidence.

Who are group programs for

And we warmly welcome participants at any point in their journey to participate in our group programs. 

We believe every person has the right to benefit from our programs, regardless of their background or circumstances. 

We understand that some people require additional support and we completely support and encourage attendance with individual support workers. So, if you would like to bring your own support worker to our programs, you are more than welcome to. 

Our goal is to create a feel good & supportive environment for everyone who joins us. 

Can I use my NDIS funding to access group programs

Our programs are fully funded under the NDIS, whether through CORE or Capacity Building at a ratio of 1:1 or 1:3.

The CORE support covers social and community participation, as well as daily life assistance.

On the other hand, Capacity Building Support includes better social and community participation, learning, and daily living. If  you are not sure  whether our programs are covered by your NDIS plan, feel free to reach out to us today, and we’d be happy to discuss it with you.

Our billing is aligned with the current NDIS price guide.

Do I need to find my own transport

Ohana can provide a convenient service of picking up and dropping off right at your doorstep.

No need to worry about transportation because we’ve got you covered!

Will I have the same support worker each time

We offer group programs that are customised to your needs, with a ratio of 1:1 or 1:3 and a maximum group size of 18 people.

Our team of committed support workers will facilitate these programs, and we will make every effort to ensure that you get the support worker you prefer.

In some cases, we may need to make adjustments, and we will inform you of any changes as soon as possible